Looking for a Creative, Reliable Content Writer?
Contact me: laughswhiletalking@gmail.com
Danny produced content for the Leadership Hub over 5 years (2013-2018), developing micro-lessons, email learning and blog posts for a FTSE 100 company (Intercontinental Hotels Group). He managed content creation and online discussion, creating micro-lessons and weekly emails for a closed community of 1500 leaders.
More recently, he fulfilled the same responsibilities for a Canadian Health Authority’s leadership community and for a UK County Council’s online Systems Leadership community.
He also wrote the Leadership Hub blog, using resources from the team’s principal Leadership Development consultant and his own research to construct eye-catching / social-media friendly material on Leadership Development. This included writing the weekly / monthly emails, which grew to 1,000 subscribers in 2 years under his watch, as well as sourcing images and editing them in Photoshop.
Danny provided brochure copy for Big Door Productions, a Not For Profit demystifying the job market for teenagers. He researched and wrote engaging but informative short reports (read one!) about UK economic sectors, highlighting how work for young people will change in the future.
Most of his writing involved taking complex ideas or lengthy discussions and turning them into succinct, memorable, enjoyable material, or otherwise drawing attention to outside material that was already filling that need. He has learnt to be adaptable with his writing to any format.
He received a Joint Honours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Creative Writing from Royal Holloway, University of London, at a 2:1 level. He also received 3 A’s at A-Level in English Lit/Lang, 20th Century History and Drama & Theatre Studies.
Danny’s official publications include Learning to Live with Huntington’s Disease: One Family’s Story, an autobiographical medical journal published by Jessica Kingsley Publishing, and a contribution to the Articulus anthology, published by Wardwood publishing.
Outside traditional publishing methods, Danny wrote and directed Space Saga (In Space), a sci-fi radio comedy out for free distribution. He edited the audio to industry standard himself and has a level of competency in Photoshop (Image Editing), Premiere Pro (Video Editing) and Cubase (Audio Editing).